By integrating all of the below information Dr. Ingalls will provide you with a formal, written consultation that you can share with your primary care physician. If hormones or prescriptions are recommended you will be told how to obtain them. The field of men’s and women’s hormone therapy is expanding exponentially and Dr. Ingalls is there to give you “all” of the information and help you to make informed choices. You deserve it!
You will obtain blood testing that will check your sex hormones, adrenal hormones, and provide an assessment of how your liver is working to metabolize your estrogen (important for your breast health).
The goal of therapy is to promote the healing of brain tissue with the aid of good nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, supplements that specifically assist the growth of brain cells, and prescription hormone replacement.
Many people diagnosed with PTSD have actually experienced traumatic brain injury. Their symptoms, often treated with antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications, are often not improved. They should have their hormones evaluated.
If you wish to be evaluated by Dr. Ingalls for the above brain disorders you will be asked to fill out questionnaires and have blood testing that will assist in your brain’s rehabilitation. What is important to know is that the brain CAN be rehabilitated.
Dr. Ingalls trained with Mark L Gordon in 2015, watch his video: